Sunday, November 21, 2010

Globalization and cultural imperialism

Globalization is cultures from all over the world becoming closer to each other and losing distinction. They blend together into something similar to, but different than its parts.
Cultural imperialism is when the strongest of the cultures in the mix dominates the others and more of its influence is shown. The influence of the weaker cultures are less obvious and are smothered by the stronger culture.
Some example I can think of is from the showing of Slumdog Millionaire. The actual show Who Wants to be a Millionaire obviously isn't from India, it's from the U.K. While the questions asked were Indian questions, the format and even the language spoken was English. Also in the movie the characters wore mostly western style clothes, indicating a the strength of western culture. Also luxury was depicted as with a western style of living with western goods as depicted by the gangster's life.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Advertising Appeals

At first, I couldn't think of any ads I thought were particularly persuasive recently and that I would actually have to look for one. Well I found one almost at random while web surfing.
The ad was for a remake of an old video game based on the James Bond movie Goldeneye. Now to most people, that means nothing, but to me and many like me, Goldeneye (the game, not the movie) was the source of days of entertainment. The reason the ad hit me strongly was because I enjoyed the original product and the ad made sure to closely link the new game to the old one and emphasize what was so fun about the game.
In terms of the lecture I guess the closest appeal was nurture. This was one of the earliest games I played and because of this I have a great deal of nostalgia for my time playing it. This game nurtured me into a gamer, and I still remember that today. Nurture is what you grew up with and I most certainly grew up playing Goldeneye.
The nostalgia invoked by this ad almost made me want to buy it. If you think that's not much, consider the fact that I usually ignore ads entirely, which is why I had to choose this ad to write about.